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America’s Resurrected Soviet Commissariat

Aristocles, son of Ariston of Colytus, better known as Plato, speaking through his master Socrates in the Republic (Book 1, 346-347) averred that those Athenians who refuse to serve their fellow citizens in government shall necessarily be ruled by savage morons, “idios” in ancient Greek, who would seize power exclusively for personal aggrandizement:  “But the chief penalty is to be governed by someone worse if a man will not himself hold office and rule.”    

To prove the ancient Greek philosophers’ wisdom, history has repeatedly taught mankind that uneducated and un-or-misinformed voters as a rule elect like-minded representatives for political offices.  Indeed, the universal dumbing down of American society and its political realm has resulted in a dangerous decline in cultured intelligence as well as informed objectivity.  This coup against common sense has commenced in full force after the election of Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency in 2008, and has become conspicuously destructive following his reelection in 2012.  Initially praised as a “non-ideological pragmatist” by his gullible worshipers, the former president vaingloriously declared a clean break with America’s past by calling for “fundamental transformation” in its culture.  His strategy of globalizing  “America’s culture problem” was rooted in his troubled upbringing between two races and two religions rather than in his discombobulated beliefs.  Mindless multiculturalism, adulation of uncontrolled migration and the canard of white supremacy have replaced assimilation, respect for the rule of law and the notion of color blindness.  Whites have been stamped  inherently racist.  Adding insult to injury, the crusade for a world without alleged white supremacy has been justified by the call for complete oppression of all white Americans as well as the segregation of the races across the United States of America. Therefore, the constitutional credo of ubiquitous human liberty turned by the former president into a nightmare and his “fundamental transformation” doctrine became a rallying cry for tyrannical racial revolution.  Consequently, his political hermeneutics led to a sharp and irreconcilable division between those who accepted his biased conclusions and to their total rejection by the majority of Americans.  

Following the resounding electoral defeat of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Donald J. Trump in 2016, the Obama-inspired enmity between the Black community and the majority of the American people has poisoned politics, the media, education, the rule of law, the economy, by giving birth to growing segregation along racial lines within the entire society.  These processes, in turn, have resulted in separating all the problems and challenges into tiny and seemingly unconnected elements that have contributed to the already rising destructive stupefaction.

A wide assortment of Black organizations, such as NAACP, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and numerous other African-American organizations and movements have preached that Whites could never be good persons even when they adopt Black customs, because then they would be guilty of cultural appropriation.  Thus, according to these organizations, cultural conversion is not an option – total racial segregation is.  According to them, the word and the world of “White” connotes eternal oppression of the Black race that has deprived the latter from sovereignty and freedom.  According to this devious logic, calls for the establishment of Black power and the subjugation of everything that in reality must be the perversion of democracy into racial tyranny, are the solutions.  It is worth noting that this aberration of the principle of equality does not require any living “White” to be true.  Birth racism, the urge to oppress, the desire to ruthless rule, materialistic greed, in short, “Whiteness” would all become exclusive traits in Black political thought that produce the mythological idea of White racism, regardless of its reality or falsehood.  

The disgraceful tempest of persecutions of former President Trump has only reinforced to creeping spiritual terrorism of a small vindictive minority.  This minority has clearly been guilty of countless attempts to fundamentally transform the United States of America and the world through incoherent as well as irrational ideas into a cemetery of lies and Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Maoist hypocrisies.  Yet, the more they claim to be on the edge of such a destructive transformation, the greater their violence toward all those who resist them.  Indeed, their quest for perfection has proved to be bloodier by the day.      

Meanwhile, outside the United States of America, the Russian and the Chinese Presidents Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Xi Jinping respectively, have proclaimed the end of the “20th century world order” and have promised the dawn of a new international regime, in which “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” as well as the Russian Federation’s antediluvian Tsarist tyranny would create a new ethno-racist hegemony.  The invasion of Ukraine and the impending attack on the Democratic Republic of China are the opening acts toward a possible global destruction of the whole world.  This vicious circle of tyrannical aggression is being exacerbated by the Sino-Russo embrace of North Korea in Asia and Iran respecting the greater Middle East.  Moreover, this multifaceted strategy of forcing NATO and its preeminent power the United States of America to simultaneously fight a three dimensional war, is designed to bleed the West dry of its resources.

Clearly, the United States of America’s self-generated crisis is by no means exclusively an American phenomenon.  Those who claim victimhood through democracy and freedom, believe that they are the instigators of a world-changing time in history.  In reality, however, they would cause the destruction of the Free World through their egotistical utopian theories.  Presently, the sane majority is sharply divided about how to respond to the many challenges that this idiotic movement raises about the existence of the founding principles of all free societies.  Firm exhibition of unity is mandatory to stem the tide of the domestic as well as the global spirit of destruction.  The alternative is predictable future miseries and the ultimate destruction of mankind.

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