Emperor Obama has no clothes
by Steve Huntley The conventional wisdom is that tonight’s presidential debate is a huge opportunity for Republican nominee Mitt Romney. The emperor-has-no-clothes reality is that the political forum would be…
by Steve Huntley The conventional wisdom is that tonight’s presidential debate is a huge opportunity for Republican nominee Mitt Romney. The emperor-has-no-clothes reality is that the political forum would be…
Ringing the Obamaphone Nine days after Mother Jones magazine posted a video showing Mitt Romney making his now famous “47 percent” remarks, an Obama voter in Ohio validated the broad…
Former Democratic pollster and analyst Pat Caddell said, “I think we’re at the most dangerous time in our political history in terms of the balance of power in the role…
Venezuela’s dictator Hugo Chavez gave his enthusiastic endorsement to President Barack Obama and offered that he was confident that Obama felt similarly about him. Both Chavez and Obama are facing…
by David Asman • FoxNews Business Right now, President Obama and Mitt Romney are looking for the one line that will stand out as the defining line of the debate,…
Real reporters won’t tell the truth. But apparently Jay Leno will. In his opening monologue, Leno said that every day Americans waste a lot of time and pointed out that…
by Terence P. Jeffrey Upon hearing there had been an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans had been killed there…
President Barack Obama always blames the current economy on hispredecessor, President George W. Bush. In 2009, this was perhaps a fair question. However, it turns out even then it was revisionist…
President Obama on 60 Minutes: Recent events in Libya and Egypt are just “bumps in the road.”
by John Nolte If you’re going to believe the polls released from CBS/New York Times this morning — you know, the polls the media’s currently using to beat Romney senseless and…
But in 2010, on the eve of the passage of Obamacare, Obama told the House Democratic Caucus, “Everybody who’s looked at it says that every single good idea to bend the cost…
by Jay Newton-Small Though Gotham is full of visiting heads of government and state, the President is meeting no one this time around. Is it insurance against possible gaffes? Or…
by Thomas Sowell Many voters will be comparing Mitt Romney with Barack Obama between now and election day. But what might be even more revealing would be comparing Obama with…
by Craig Silverman I support Mitt Romney for President and Paul Ryan for Vice President. For most of my life, I have been a Democrat, and I very publicly voted…
by Chris Stirewalt “But I was pretty certain and continue to be pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road because, you know, in a lot…