Is this Administration Serious about Energy or the Economy?
by George Landrith We are in the fourth year of Barrack Obama’s presidency and the final two months of the election. Finally, Obama is at least talking about the economy,…
“Scientific” Political Correctness through the Ages
by George Landrith Political correctness is not a modern phenomena. Those who want to control the terms of debate and the minds of the masses have used political correctness throughout…
Economics that don’t work
by George Landrith President Barack Obama continues to argue against keeping taxes low to spur economic growth and job creation. At the same time, he argues against significantly cutting government…
A conservative’s take on the Ex-Im Bank
by George Landrith As a rock-ribbed conservative, I support the entrepreneurial dynamism of free markets. I believe entrepreneurs are more likely than government bureaucrats to build successful businesses and provide…
Obamanomics is not working
by George Landrith Barack Obama is nearing the fourth year of his presidency and the economy continues to languish as evidenced by the fact that the unemployment rate “unexpectedly” shot…
Ethanol Produces More Greenhouse Gas than Fossil Fuels
by George Landrith It is now almost universally accepted in some circles that bio-fuels such as ethanol are the answer to America’s energy woes. Additionally, many ethanol enthusiasts have said…
The Election Year Jobs Charade
by George Landrith Now that the 2012 election is less than a year away, President Barack Obama is finally at least talking about jobs on a regular basis. However, Obama’s…
In Defense of Defense
by George Landrith For every uninformed liberal criticizing the Pentagon (i.e. “Critics on left hit Pentagon on talk of budget disasters,” Washington Times, Web, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2011), there’s a…
Supreme Court Impartiality and ObamaCare
by George Landrith There is a lot of talk about whether United States Supreme Court Associate Justices Clarence Thomas and Elena Kagan should recuse themselves from considering the constitutionality of…
Another Day, Another Obama Plan
President Obama is ignoring the first rule of holes — when you’re in one, stop digging. But no, after putting forth a $447 billion so-called jobs plan (which was really…
The Lessons of 9/11
by George Landrith When Ronald Reagan was asked what his plan was for dealing with the communist threat, he responded, “We win, they lose.” Those four words led to an…
Why is Obamanomics failing?
by Peter Ferrara On Inauguration Day, 2009, President Obama seemed so politically blessed by the timing of developing economic trends. I expected that based on American economic history, recovery from…
The ‘it’s all about me’ president
by George Landrith President Barack Obama should get credit for Osama bin Laden’s death since bin Laden was killed on his watch. However, I was struck by two things during…
Should President Obama Moderate?
by Bryan Björnson In his Jan. 24, 2011 column E.J. Dionne asks if Pres. Obama should retreat or spend the next two years consolidating the gains Obama has made. My question…