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The Coming Humiliation of the People’s Republic of China

The most dangerous and destructive people on earth are the self-aggrandizing misanthropes who hold omnipotent hatred for the rest of humanity rooted in the unshakeable belief of their absolute racial superiority.  Heightened tensions that have been created in the second decade of the 21st century by President Xi Jinping’s so-called “Chinese Dream,” his illegal maritime expansion across the Pacific Ocean, his soft globalism in Europe, Africa as well as South America under the guise of the “Belt and Road Initiative,” and most recently, his pre-invasion saber-rattling over the Republic of China, also known as Taiwan, call into memory the historical thesis about Han cultural superiority as well as the Chinese imperial “benevolent authority cum oppressive dominance” of its neighbors for the past three millennia.  Over glorifying the superiority of “five thousand years of Chinese culture,” while being outrageously numb about its countless devastating catastrophes for the Chinese people and the rest of its neighboring countries, this tyrannical prophet of “Socialism with Chinese characteristics” defines the competition between the People’s Republic of China and the rest of the world as a cosmic confrontation of irreconcilable ideological antagonism between democratic liberalism and Marxist “class warfare.”  In reality, President Xi’s worldview is nothing but the automatic  rehashing of Confucius’s antediluvian hierarchical regime, in which a minority rules absolutely over the majority with expected wisdom and benevolence.  Thus, in President Xi’s future global paradise, the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee and its Politburo from their Olympian Heights would exercise a benign tyranny over their racially inferior states across the globe.

Contrary to the incessantly lying official Chinese propaganda, however, the People’s Republic of China’s path to utopian Communism is more an ideological garbage than a well-planned road to ubiquitous prosperity for mankind.  As I already opined in a Frontiers of Freedom’s publication on August 6, 2012, and in a follow-up editorial on August 9, 2012, in The Washington Times, “China’s Approaching Implosion,” historically, China has been driven by permanent tensions between the despotic state’s boundless hostility toward society and the frequently violent anti-state sentiments of the Chinese people.  Turning Deng Xiaopeng’s dictum of “Black cat or white cat, if it can catch mice, it’s a good cat,” into protecting the Chinese economy from the evil political influences of the democratic West under the slogan of “Chinese self-reliance” as well as “new development concept,” the future President for Life Xi Jinping in his ideological blindness is completely destroying his overambitious country.  Instead of filling his concept with pragmatic content, he has subordinated sound economic strategy to empty promises concerning the eradication of the covid pandemic with useless Chinese vaccines and the stemming out of devastating corruption in the real estate market, in connection with the domestic banking sector.  This ideological curse has resulted in protracted stagnation of domestic production and in sizable decline of the export as well as import of goods and services.  Moreover, his attempts to promote China’s national currency internationally have been exposed as another mixed bag in President Xi’s amateurish “dog and pony show.”  

Since foreign policy has always been a function of domestic policies, President Xi’s most recent Taiwan adventure is as discombobulated as his phantom “Socialism cum Communism with Chinese Characteristics.”  His and his colleagues’ belligerent threats of imminent invasion must be taken very seriously.  Therefore, the Democratic Republic of China and its supporters must be ready to repel this illegal aggression.  Letting Beijing have its way in Taiwan, will embolden President Xi to expand China’s presence internationally by state-led military means to serve its nefarious political interests.  The policy must be unequivocal:  if China attacks, it must be defeated.  This defeat must be crushing and extremely humiliating for President Xi personally too.  Relentlessly bombarded by the Communist Party’s slogan of “turn your heart to the General Secretary,” meaning Xi Jinping, the United States of America, its European and Asian allies cannot show mercy to the tyrant. 

Although the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda machine has succeeded, for the being, to convince the majority of the people that in the present troubled times internationally the country needs a strong leader, the accompanying revival of the ‘Cult of Personality” will unquestionably lead to total political, economic and financial catastrophe.  Again, contrary to President Xi and his colleagues’ belief, the People’s Republic of China will never become the hegemon of the world.  Its quintessentially racist ideology, hidden in the utopian idealism of prostituted Marxism, is the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing.  

Yet, only reacting and building defenses against global Chinese ambitions are not enough.  The United States of America and its allies must take the initiative and expose in its entirety the evil nature of Chinese expansionism.  To demonstrate the urgent need to stand up to Beijing, it would suffice to call attention to the most recent vote of China on August 10, 2022, in the United Nations Security Council concerning its veto of listing Abdul Rauf Ashgar as a global terrorist.  Having been the long-serving deputy emir of Pakistani jihadi organization Jaish-e-Muhammad, he has planned and actively participated in countless terrorist acts in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan and beyond.  The Chinese representative was the single opponent of Resolution 1267 of the Sanction Committee.  Clearly, if allowed, China’s exclusively ideological globalism will transform into genocidal terrorism.  For all these reasons, the People’s Republic of China must be stopped before it might destroy the planet.

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