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The Curious Case Of The United States Of America

Geza Hofi, the brilliant late Hungarian comedian, in one of his politically charged monologues, delivered in the Madach Kamara Theater in Budapest, described post-Communist Hungary in the late 1990s thus:  “The setting on this stage depicts a closed psychiatric ward in a hospital that specializes on mentally ill patients.  I am a patient in this institution.  I closed it from the inside in order to prevent all those idiots living outside from coming in.”  His admonition to his countrymen was twofold.  On the one hand, he wanted to call attention to the predictable vagaries of history, namely, to the disconcerting fact that history, if allowed, does tend to repeat itself, and normally not in a positive way.  However, even more importantly, he undertook to issue a warning to humanity at large about the destructive behavior of the majority of ordinary citizens in a quasi or full democracy who can be fooled by ideologically demented public figures masquerading  as sane and responsible politicians.  

Presently, America is at war with itself.  The nation is under siege by diverse mobs whose savage designs to replace reality with a regime of fallacious falsehoods threaten the very survival of the Republic.  Their infinite and blind violence have already spiralled out of control in the Democrat Party controlled towns and metropolitan areas.  In Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Baltimore, New York City, Minneapolis, Atlanta, and in many other settlements the racially charged savagery of assorted minorities dated back to the hateful rhetoric of Democrat politicians as well as the subservient media have witnessed brigands murdering and pillaging at will.  These unsavory groups have operated outside the constitutional framework of political actions with the declared goal of altering by force the very organization of society.  This politically fueled artificial chaos coupled with the measures necessarily taken by the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, have led to the most unusual national elections before, during and after November 3, 2020.

Whether there was a wholesale fraud perpetrated by the unholy alliance of the Biden campaign organization, Big Tech, the overwhelming majority of the media, politically motivated judges, and the federal as well as states’ bureaucracies is still open to many unanswered questions.  Yet, when the air cleared a little, the Democrats succeeded to maintain a shrinking majority in the House of Representatives, to gain four seats in the Senate, and recapture the White House after four years of a turbulent hiatus. 

Joe Biden was 78 years old when he ascended to the Presidency on January 20, 2021.  The visibly unwell former Senator and Vice President was carefully shielded from the world throughout the campaign by his handlers as well as the Democrat Party’s praetorian guard.  During the intervening period between November 3, 2020 and January 20, 2021, his handlers surrounded him with a coterie that harked back to the unsuccessful ancien regime of former President Barack H. Obama, and as such is characterized by its glaring lack of intellectual quality.  Against all the laudatory nonsense by the hugely biased media, he has been, throughout his long political career, a weak character with a woefully empty mind, prone to frequent plagiarisms, without any original ideas or imagination, and the wherewithal to manage himself, let alone enforce his stolen ideas when the inevitable challenges and crises have hit him like a ton of brick.  Indeed, animated with superficial emotions and with a below mediocre intelligence, bereft of ideas of his own, subject to the persuasion of the last person he has spoken to, he has been the saddest epitome of an utterly failed amateur in the highest echelons of American politics.  

While President Biden now exists mostly in a cocoon of his own, his handlers attempt to be the quintessential hands-on politicians.  These Obama-era veterans are navigating from professional incompetence to full-blown socialism, making sure to preserve their bureaucratic powers amidst the relentlessly aggressive attacks of the Democrat Party’s radical elements.   Nothing good will come out of such a catastrophic situation.  As long as in power, the Democrat establishment will stumble from one grave crisis to another until their self-erected house of cards will collapse into the abyss of their sophomoric illusions.     

Clearly, the sinister shadows of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and the newest generation of so-called communist despots across the globe hover over President Biden, Vice President Harris, Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Schumer and their comrades’ self-created audacious political swamp.  The American Republic is faltering.  The past is annihilating the present and the future.  The dead destroying the living.  The bodies of the two seasoned criminals Michael Brown Jr. and George Floyd have had more political power since 2014 than the many great achievements of the Trump administration.  To add insult to injury, President Biden in his inaugural address called for unity and to end the “uncivil war” thus:  “A cry for racial justice, some 400 years in the making, moves us.  The dream of justice for all will be deferred no longer.  A cry for survival comes from the planet itself, a cry that can’t be more desperate or any more clear now.  The rise of political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism, that we must confront and we will defeat.  To overcome these challenges, to restore the soul and secure the future of America, requires so much more than words.  It requires the most elusive of all things in a democracy – unity. Unity…My whole soul is in it today, on this January day.  My whole soul is in this.  Bringing America together, uniting our people, uniting our nation.  And I ask every American to join me in this cause. Uniting to fight the foe we face – anger, resentment and hatred.  Extremism, lawlessness, violence, disease, joblessness, and hopelessness.”  

Yet, the flurry of his executive orders, actions and memorandums, which were ready for his signature immediately, belied his high-flying rhetoric.  Halting funding for the construction of the border wall, reversal of the travel ban from certain countries, and twenty two other executive actions directly eliminating “bad policies” of the Trump administration were justified by him thus:  “And I want to make it clear – there is a lot of talk, with good reason, about the number of executive orders that I have signed – I’m not making new law; I’m eliminating bad policy.”  And then: “What I’m doing is taking on the issues that – 99% of them – that the president, the last president of the United States, issued executive orders I felt were very counterproductive to our security, counterproductive to who we are as a country, particularly in the area of immigration.”  Again, the high-flying rhetoric of the Obama era without any truthful and rational explanations.  Forty one executive actions to satisfy the most radical demands of the Democrat Party.  This is not leadership.  This is called the Stockholm Syndrome.  Plainly, this is the behavior of a fake politician held hostage by his own party and his own monstrous bureaucracy.

 President Biden’s divisiveness and immorality have been in full display in the $1.9 trillion COVID package and the H.R. 1 – For the People Act of 2021.  Neither piece of legislation is about the relief they pretend to address.  The former is a shameless bailout for the Democrat governed failed states of the west and the east coasts, coupled with outrages handouts to the most radical Democrat Party constituents.  At the end, the massive coronavirus relief bill was passed by both the House of Representatives as well as the Senate without a single Republican vote.  Speaking about the pandemic, President Biden said the following:  “A year ago, we were hit with a virus that was met with silence and spread unchecked.  Denials for days, weeks, then months, that led to more deaths.”  

Blatant lies and not a single word of truth.  Already on January 6, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under the leadership of then President Trump published a travel notice for Wuhan, China, due to the available information.  On January 29, 2020, He formed a coronavirus task force at the White House and two days later declared a public health emergency, accompanied by a restriction on travel to and from China.  Then President Trump did all these measures while Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Head of the World Health Organization, declared on January 14, 2020, that there was “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus.”  Even as late as January 20, 2020, ABC quoted him stating that there was “only limited human-to-human transmission.”  For good measure, the Organization declared that “This (meaning the COVID-19) is in line with experience with other respiratory illnesses and in particular with other coronavirus outbreaks.”  The World Health Organization finally declared the coronavirus a global emergency only on January 30, 2020.  Busying themselves with impeaching the then President Trump, the Democrats ignored the pandemic until after the former’s acquittal.  Most glaringly, the COVID package utilizes unemployment numbers instead of the previous population numbers in determining final state payouts, thus rewarding failing blue states with tax dollars of red states whose jobless claims have always been below the unemployment numbers of the Democrat governed states.  Textbook retail politics that has nothing to do with President Biden’s high flying  clarion calls for national unity. 

In the same vein, HR1, fraudulently titled “For the People Act” passed the House of Representatives without a single Republican vote.  Defined by every objective analyst as a law allowing wholesale fraud of all elections, HR1 would shift control of elections from cities, counties, states to the federal government in Washington, D.C.  Moreover, HR1 would make voting by mail-in ballots permanent, prohibit voter ID, launch automatic voter registration, allow same-day registration and voting, enshrine in law ballot harvesting, and funnel all appeals into one court – the traditionally Democrat-controlled D.C. Circuit Court.  

To up the ante, the New York Times published on March 11, 2021, an Opinion by its Editorial Board, titled “For Democracy to Stay, the Filibuster Must Go.”  Pursuant to the Board’s opinion, “It is hard to imagine a more fitting job for Congress than for members to join together to pass a broadly popular law that makes democracy safer, stronger and more accessible to all American.”  Please, notice the misleading language that has become the hallmark of the radical as well as extremist members of the Democrat establishment.  HR1 would weaken democracy.  It will open the floodgate for uncontrollable voting by limitless numbers of ineligible individuals.  It would also erode democracy, because voting, according to HR1, would not reflect the will of the citizens of the United States of America.  Moreover, HR1 is far from being “a broadly popular law.”  Even the Opinion states that HR1 could only count on the votes of fifty Democrat Senators and the tie breaking vote of the Vice President.  Of course, the solution is to abolish the filibuster, which is opposed by Senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Krysten Sinema of Arizona, both Democrats too.  Some “broad popular” support!   

Unquestionably, the fledgling Biden administration is infected with the virus of ideologically tainted incompetence and nascent immorality.  Headed by a mentally confused President, supported by a woefully incompetent Vice-President, and surrounded by a coterie of ideologically blinded bureaucrats, collectively they preach the deceptive gospel of ubiquitous unity.  In fact, however, the Biden administration is bringing about the greatest tragedy of American history by its ruthless attempt to enforce an utterly false unity, domestically as well as internationally.  As Biden is prone to tell his fellow Americans and the rest of the world, his administration will be the torchbearer for the humanistic values of mankind across the globe.  President Biden’s schizophrenic belief in the universal goodness of all Americans and the rest of the world, and his simultaneous railing against everybody who does not happen to share his and his fellow travellers’ cult-like enthusiasm for accommodating their political as well as antisocial psychopathic fictions, put all normal people in the Hillary Clinton’s basket of not just “deplorables”, but also into the cage of “enemies”  or “domestic terrorists” of an absolutely fake Democrat Utopia.  

In this context, it is worthwhile to take a short trip along the memory lane of the early 20th century Soviet Union.  The Bolsheviks of Russia/Soviet Union decided in December 1923, to introduce the policy of revenge against their opponents.  Having borrowed from the vocabulary of the French Revolution, they adopted the Jacobins favorite definition for their numerous opponents, “enemies of the people”, “enemies of the workers”, “enemies of the republic”, and “enemies of the glorious revolution.”  Anyone found guilty by the Bolshevik regime’s kangaroo courts was sentenced to a minimum of ten years, mostly in the GULAG.  The gruesome story of the retaliations in the Soviet Union can be found exhaustively in Agnes Gereben’s excellent book with the same title.        

This collection of the Biden administration’s useless idiots lack both domestic and international strategies.  Their only so-called policy is to wipe away everything that was accomplished between 2017 and January 2021, and beyond.  By denouncing everybody who allegedly “oppose them everywhere”, their real aim is to permanently disrupt any emerging understanding among the starkly divided groups and organizations of American society.  Opening the southern borders to indiscriminate illegal invasion of the United States of America and calling this humanism is lunacy, rejoining the Paris climate accord while lying about its real content, refinancing counterproductive United Nations’ organizations to deepen already existing divisions among nations as well as regions, embracing a dead Palestinian cause in contravention of the Abraham Accord as well as the newest positive developments in the greater Middle East, North Africa, and South-East Asia, trying to appease Iran repeatedly, and calling Black Lives Matter, Antifa, ACLU as well as other violent minority groups peaceful and beneficial for the perfection of American democracy, while denouncing in the strongest possible language those who oppose these lies, open the door to deception over reality, and immorality over decency.  

Yet, the ultimate purpose of this charade of unbelievable manipulations is to prove that the Biden administration and the Democrat Party is a modern government unquestionably committed to transformative reforms on behalf of all Americans and the rest of the world.  In other words, they are alone in touch with the people of all races.  For this reason, anybody who opposes them is guilty of “systematic” and “institutionalized” racism.  In this manner, mankind is inherently guilty of the moral crime of racism, and are burdened to prove their innocence.  This Orwellian or Kafkaesque trap is injustice ab initio amounting to the grossest abuse of language, and ultimately to a shameless undemocratic perversion of power. 

This pseudo-epistolemic misuse of language could win votes in the short run.  However, it cannot win hearts and minds in the long run.  Rigged elections give a sense of false security, yet deny understanding of the real reflection of political, economic, and social discontent in the country.  Ideology-driven foreign policy will surely breed intense criticism as well.  Calls for return to genuine normalcy and the restoration of necessary freedoms will quickly undermine Biden’s psychopathy and the Democrat Party’s attempt at totalitarianism in the United States of America.  Invented history, such as “Project 1619” and the Obamas’ “you built this country” primitive exhortations, only contribute to the intellectual poverty as well as the contextual thinness of the Democrats’ utopian lunacy.  Their collective resistance to acknowledge reality will surely end in catastrophic defeat and tremendous political, economic, social, and moral disarray.  Therefore, the United States of America shall prepare itself to rally around a narrative which shall face reality and which shall enable the nation to live up to its views of its past, present, and future greatness.   

   In 2015 and 2016, then candidate Donald J. Trump campaigned under two simple slogans: “America First” and “Make America Great Again.”  Collectively, these two rallying cries called for the rejection of the two endless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the open borders policy of then President Barack Obama, the convoluted doctrine of multiculturalism, the identity politics heavily laced with an exaggerated sense of mostly nonexistent victimhood, and similarly unreal elitist idiocies coached in twisted linguistic phenomena reminiscent of the communist propaganda that emanated ceaselessly from the Soviet Union and its vassal quasi-states for over seventy years in the 20th century.  When he announced his candidacy for president on June 16, 2015, Trump appeared to be a lonely voice in the political desert.  His speech was highly unconventional, because of its provocative content.  Basically, he faced the nation alone with the nonchalance of an ordinary citizen speaking his mind without any concerns for the political consequences.  This personal campaign strategy gave him the presidency on January 20, 2017.  His presidency proved that he was right.  He revived the economy, which under the community organizer president’s eight years tanked, lowered unemployment for everybody, including African Americans, to 3.6%, reestablished the strength of the military, accomplished internationally the normalization of relations between Israel and most of its neighbors, and largely stemmed the criminal penetration of the central and south American gangs and cartels into the United States of America.

Then came the Chinese COVID-19 virus in January 2020.  Among other shortcomings of the system, the pandemic brought forth the long-term problems of the federal administration that he attempted to change.  Former President Trump has created a movement that is alive and well to the present day.  Yet, politically he has remained a solitary figure, belonging to nobody and yet to every American.  Thus symbolically, he has embodied in his person the past, the present, and the future of America.  Clearly, for three years, he was one of the most successful presidents the United States of America have had in the almost two hundred fifty years of its history.  This is not to say that those three very successful years were not turbulent.  The “Resist” movement by the Democrats, the “Never Trump” Republicans, the Black Lives Matter radicals, the idiotic Antifa criminals, the irrationally biased media and Social Platforms, all allied themselves to thwart him at every step.  His answer to this relentless opposition was twofold and fundamentally contradictory.  On the one hand, he insisted that the rule of law shall be strictly obeyed and followed.  On the other hand, however, he was ready to break the laws when he believed that his resistance would help America to be protected and to be stronger.

His achievements in America’s recovery following the post-Reagan era insignificant decades of the Clinton-Bush-Obama triumvirate, are as impressive as that of any great democratic leader of the 19th and 20th centuries.  President Trump has always believed that loyalty to the constitution would strengthen the Republic and democracy.  Commander, stage manager and star of his movement to make America great again, he bathed in the unconditional adoration of his followers.  His defense of American interests was unfailing.  As President he took literally the constitutional mandate that the head of the Executive Branch is the President.  Therefore, the secretaries of his cabinet were there to execute his policies, which he set with minimal consultation.  Those who stood up to him were mostly summarily dismissed.  He also believed that America looked for strong leadership that he always strived to provide.

Although former President Trump was indeed a revolutionary chief executive in his own way, even he could not set a lasting mark for a nation so starkly divided between conservatives and those who adamantly refuse to integrate and assimilate into the constitutional order of the United States of America.  His handling of the pandemic was in a way self-defeating.  While the full nature of the new coronavirus was still unknown and the medical community was hopelessly divided over the measures that might mitigate or even stop the spread of the virus, former President Trump wanted to demonstrate strong leadership.  However, the virus turned out to be more complex and, therefore, more unpredictable than the so-called experts predicted.  Meanwhile, the economy began to weaken and unemployment rose.  Coupled with the political unrest that engulfed the Democrat-led communities, America started to descend into chaos.  

Since former President Trump assumed leadership from the get go, the blame largely fell on him.  In the second half of 2020, the majority of Americans became prisoners of their visceral mistrust of the federal government.  Although most Americans wanted to see their country as exceptional, bequeathed to them by the founding fathers and their successors, they developed their doubts about the existing state of affairs.  Historically, if present realities contradicts the prevailing political vision, and the people’s faith in their president’s ability to handle the problems facing them weakens, these combined occurrences would leave them feeling uncertain about the future, opening them up to the siren voices of extremist illusions.  In this mental condition, they start to long for unity instead of division, tranquility against political and social unrest.  Yet, ironically, when such efforts fail, as they always do, compromise becomes suspect.  The results are the reemergence of old divisions – multiplied by new once -, ethnic and religious factionalism, personal and ideological conflicts in the historic tradition of the nation.  Quick and mindless recourse to mayhem and distraction then escalates to ubiquitous social chaos.   

Once again, Washington, D.C. is out of step with the nation.  The American national identity, which is firmly anchored in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, contain the principled ideas of the Republic.  Yes, the history of this Republic has not been perfect.  However, set against some flaws are the many achievements both domestically and internationally, which are more than sufficient reasons for justifiable national pride.  Nor has the history of the last decade been all negative by any means.  Those who love America can point to the country’s strength, to its inherent goodness, its morality, its guarantees of the rule of law, good healthcare, liveable pensions, long lives, and almost eight decades of peace.  However, for fast every plus there has been a minus lately.  Minority groups arrogantly as well as aggressively claim victimhood status and with it demand only rights without responsibilities.  To wit, they demand impunity from punishment for criminal acts with the cynical explanation of fake discrimination and nonexistent racism.  While doing nothing or little constructively, they call for ever more slices of the pie and oversized power for themselves to the detriment of the majority.  

To top this insanity, teaching organizations resist reforms and hide behind the Democrat Party and its affiliated organizations.  As a result, elementary education has tanked and so has the quality of secondary education.  Vocational training has been deteriorating, especially in comparison to Europe and Asia.  Logically, tensions between parents and teachers have risen, particularly since the pandemic.  Enrolment in private and charter schools has risen steadily, accounting for almost 30% nationally.  Colleges and graduate schools have turned increasingly into places of indoctrination instead of teaching.  Indoctrination, in turn, has given rise to intolerance, censorship, intimidation, and outright authoritarianism in higher education.  

There is a palpable and deepening disaffection among the younger generations.  The majority of these people have the unsettling feeling that the United States of America is not living up to its ideals and its potentials.  Thus, the spreading sense of victimhood.  Demands for social justice, reparations, reexamination of the past, cancel culture, the growth of false identities and identity crises, are eroding the political, economic, social, and moral fabric of the country.  Revolution is called for, while the nation remains mostly conservative in its mentality.  For the majority, that fact that the United States of America is in a turmoil is reason for sadness that goes beyond the notion of manifest destiny.  The turbulences of the last decade, especially the four years of the Trump presidency, affected all parts of the nation.  Yet, the elections of 2020 were an evasion of reality.  While the results might appear to be politically convenient, prolonging a clear decision could prove to be a disaster.  Increasingly it appears that the fault lies with the American people.  As President Reagan said:  “Our whole system of government is based on “We the People,” but if we the people don’t pay attention to what’s going on, we have no right to bellyache or squawk when things go wrong.”  Accordingly, the opposition to the present idiocy must find and work out a realistic alternative acceptable to the majority of the American people.  For that to be accomplished, politicians ready and able to rally this majority behind a positive vision must be found and supported.  The “We the People” cannot allow a rudderless administration to keep them hostage of a fraudulent history and its untrue narratives.                

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