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The Healthy Fisheries through Better Science Act


The Hon. Rob Wittman
2454 Rayburn HOB
United States House of Representatives
Washington. D.C. 20515

Dear Representative Wittman:

On behalf of the members and supporters of Frontiers of Freedom, let me say that we welcome the introduction of your legislation H.R. 3063, the Healthy Fisheries through Better Science Act.

Your leadership in this vital area will help in the effort to extend property rights as a tool for species conservation and sound environmental management over the now-discredited command and control approach still practiced by many parts of the United States government.

If enacted, your legislation will produce improvements in stock assessments through the increased involvement of fishermen and non-federal partners.  Fisheries science will be enhanced and the costs of compliance and monitoring will be reduced.  Your effort is an important part of moving the nation’s fisheries away from command and control management systems to a catch shares system based on the free market and property rights.

By requiring the government to issue regular stock assessments – rather than divert the needed funds to unproven climate science experiments — and making the government rely on input of local fisherman – those who best know the fisheries – your bill corrects two of the most serious problems currently existing in fishery’s management.

Frontiers of Freedom commends your leadership to improve our nation’s fisheries, and through better science, provide our fisherman with the freedom to fish and we urge your colleagues to co-sponsor your bill.

Thank you for all the hard work you do, and please keep up the fight for freedom.

George Landrith
Frontiers of Freedom Foundation


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