The Latest ‘Hate’ Smear Target Is a Civil-Rights Group
By Edwin Meese III • Wall Street Journal The headlines were both inflammatory and untrue: “Attorney General Jeff Sessions Criticized for Speaking to ‘Hate Group,’ ” reported NBC. Reports from…
By Edwin Meese III • Wall Street Journal The headlines were both inflammatory and untrue: “Attorney General Jeff Sessions Criticized for Speaking to ‘Hate Group,’ ” reported NBC. Reports from…
Poor Democrats. Exactly when they believed that Hillary Clinton will finish Barack Obama’s destruction of the country’s constitutional order and turn the republic into bureaucratic authoritarianism, they were rejected decisively…
by Oren Cass • City-Journal Thirty-nine percent of Americans give at least 50-50 odds that “global warming will cause humans to become extinct,” according to a poll released last week…
by Lawrence Kudlow, Stephen Moore, Arthur B Laffer, and Steve Forbes • Investor’s Business Daily President Trump and Republican leaders in Congress must act with much more urgency and decisiveness…
by Bill Gertz • Washington Free Beacon The United States faces a growing threat of ballistic and cruise missiles from China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, according to a military…
by Ali Meyer • Washington Free Beacon The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Disability Insurance Trust Funds will be depleted in the next 17 years, according to the Social Security…
by Adam Kredo • Washington Free Beacon An Iranian citizen identified as a senior member of the country’s Basij military force was caught trying to enter the United States posing…
By Peter Roff • USNews My high school biology teacher, Dudley Davis, used to like to remind us all that “figures can’t lie, but liars can figure.” How right he…
by Ali Meyer • Washington Free Beacon President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for 2018 would reduce the deficit over the next decade by $160 billion and increase GDP at the…
by Peter Roff • Townhall Since coming to office South Korean President Moon Jae-in has moved quickly to put the past behind him. Politically, this is wise. His countrymen are…
by Joshua Caplan • Gateway Pundit SHFTPLan reports: According to the report, which has been peer reviewed by administrators, scientists and researchers from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The…
By George F. Will • Washington Post The Bronx, the only one of New York City’s five boroughs that is on the American mainland, once had a sociological as well…
To project power and protect America the U.S. military requires a robust American sealift capability. Transporting materials and weaponry over across the high seas is a key component of America’s…
by Eddie Scarry • Washington Examiner How the intelligence community is decoding Donald Trump Jr.’s emails CNN correspondent Jim Acosta erred on Thursday when he said it was “fake news”…
by James Taylor • Forbes Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth’s polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice…