Jobless Numbers Are Even Worse Than They Look
Still above 8%—and closer to 19% in a truer accounting by Mort Zuckerman Don’t be fooled by the headline unemployment number of 8.1% announced on Friday. The reason the number…
Saved General Motors? It Is Headed For Bankruptcy — Again
by Louis Woodhill President Obama is proud of his bailout of General Motors. That’s good, because, if he wins a second term, he is probably going to have to bail…
Obama’s Four Years Of Failure On Jobs
Jobs: A top White House economics spokesman cautions against reading too much into a single month of employment data — and we concur: One month isn’t enough. So how about…
Eastwood says his convention appearance was ‘mission accomplished’
by Paul Miller After a week as topic No. 1 in American politics, former Carmel Mayor Clint Eastwood said the outpouring of criticism from left-wing reporters and liberal politicians after his…
The Democrats’ Soft Extremism
Obama is out of ideas, and Clinton’s speech was unworthy of him. by Peggy Noonan Barack Obama is deeply overexposed and often boring. He never seems to be saying what…
No, Obama Hasn’t Cut Small Business Taxes 18 Times
by President Obama has been running around lately claiming he’s cut small business taxes more than a dozen times. That no doubt would be news to the nation’s small…
Unemployment 8.1% as More Give Up Looking for Work
The nation’s most recent jobs report disappointed again with an anemic 96,000 new jobs added in August. Just to keep up with population growth, the economy would need to add…
Krauthammer On Obama: “One Of The Emptiest Speeches I Have Ever Heard”
KRAUTHAMMER: I was stunned … he gave one of the emptiest speeches I have ever heard on a national stage… There was nothing in it… I thought was flat and had…
Do the math, Mr. Obama, you’ve run out of excuses on jobs
by John Lott • Despite a growing population, fewer Americans have jobs today than when Obama took office. And the jobs pay less, too. With the release Friday morning of…
Obama Justice Dept. Sues Gallup after Campaign Chief Criticized Pollsters
Internal emails between senior officials at The Gallup Organization, obtained by The Daily Caller, show senior Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod attempting to subtly intimidate the respected polling firm when its…
National Debt of $16 Trillion: Is it a bad time?
Why isn’t there a debt clock in the convention hall in Charlotte, NC? $16 TRILLION is an astronomical number. If you were to count from 1 to 1 million without…
Are We Better Off? Business Publication Says No
Economic Conditions: All weekend, Democratic party leaders kept fumbling their answer to a simple question: Are we better off than we were four years ago? There’s a good reason for that:…
Four Plead Guilty to Voter Fraud
Little Rock, Ark. (AP) – A Democratic state legislator from east Arkansas, his father and two campaign workers pleaded guilty Wednesday to conspiracy to commit election fraud after federal prosecutors said the…
Whose mailbox is it anyway?
by George Landrith Property rights and economic freedom are the fertile soil in which all other rights grow and thrive. John Locke wrote eloquently of three basic rights – life,…
Democratic Platform Puts Culture Wars ahead of Fixing the Economy
If you thought the nation’s 8.3 percent unemployment rate and $1.3 trillion budget deficit were the top two issues of the 2012 election, then congratulations, you share the same priorities as the…