Obama’s Weak Economy: Five Reasons
by Scott L. Vanatter What kind of economy did Obama inherit? Brit Hume put it this way: “A central premise of the Obama campaign is that he inherited an economy…
by Scott L. Vanatter What kind of economy did Obama inherit? Brit Hume put it this way: “A central premise of the Obama campaign is that he inherited an economy…
Lack of Desire, Knowledge and Confidence by Scott L. Vanatter Why was Obama just not that into it (the debate)? Three possible reasons include a lack of desire, a lack…
by Diana Furchtgott-Roth California’s record gasoline prices and long service station lines are a warning to all of us about what green energy can do to our pocketbooks. On Monday,…
By George Landrith Post Debate Analysis: Biden was smug, arrogant, condescending, over-bearing and over-aggressive. I’ve never seen a debate where one person was so disrespectful and even contemptuous of his…
Last Friday, a few days after Obama’s debate debacle, the Administration released a jobs report that claimed 114,000 jobs were created. That number is well below the number of jobs…
by John McCormack Last night, the Obama campaign blasted out another email claiming that Mitt Romney’s tax plan would either require raising taxes on the middle class or blowing a…
by Bonnie Kavoussi The Obama campaign claims that a Princeton economist’s findings support its assertions about Mitt Romney’s tax plan, but the economist says that’s not exactly true. The Obama campaign…
by John McCormack A study by the Tax Policy Center, a project of the center-left Brookings Institution and Urban Institute, claims that Mitt Romney’s tax plan is mathematically impossible. TPC…
by Taylor Bigler Big Bird is a billionaire. A Warren Buffett, Eric Schmidt, Steve Jobs billionaire, which is pretty impressive considering that he is not a real person but rather…
by Tony Lee Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama, and liberal think tanks have claimed Mitt Romney’s plan to cut tax rates across the board by 20 percent is bad arithmetic,…
by John Lott The official unemployment rate of 7.8% means we are finally back to the level when Barack Obama became president, at the height of the recession. That may…
The Sluggish Economy: The September jobs report shows a net increase of only 114,000 jobs – a number far below even the anemic jobs numbers of the past two years…
Obama: “It is not my fault … The telephone pole jumped out in front of me.”
by Steve Huntley The conventional wisdom is that tonight’s presidential debate is a huge opportunity for Republican nominee Mitt Romney. The emperor-has-no-clothes reality is that the political forum would be…
Ringing the Obamaphone Nine days after Mother Jones magazine posted a video showing Mitt Romney making his now famous “47 percent” remarks, an Obama voter in Ohio validated the broad…